Our Story


One sunny winter afternoon, me, spending time on the back porch with my family felt deeply guilty of my family and children, because my need for cigarettes wouldn't let me sit more than 5 minutes with no smoke. I obliged my manager to find the best solution that gonna solve my problem. After 3 days, by chance he came across a smokeless ashtray that also purify the air....


Dig deeper

This ashtray was that useful so I ordered another one each for the bedroom and kitchen. To my surprise, it was also very good in the car, especially with the A/C on. After that, I ordered 10 for my office and 5 more for my spouse's family. I thought my friends could use this little smoke disposal too; they are the ones who convinced me that everyone should know about this device!


Made With Love In South Florida

Finally we launched this product to public thanks to our great team and the best partners. Thank you for your time and hopefully you will appreciate the ETRAY.

Ready to be in touch with you for any questions and operate your orders ASAP!